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Luz Pacheco (she/her/ella)

Arizona, US & Sonora, MX

(EN) Hello! My name is Luz (pronounced Looz) and I am a bicultural creative and engineer from the Sonoran desert. I have developed projects in the visual arts, mycology, language justice, and mechanical engineering.

I am heavily bilingual with roots in Sonora, Arizona, California, and Oregon. I take inspiration from the variety of vegetation, personalities and cultures I've encountered in my journey.

(ES) Holis! Mi nombre es Luz y soy una creadora e ingeniera bicultural del desierto Sonorense. He desarrollado proyectos en las artes visuales, micologia, justicia lingüística e ingenieria mecanica.

Soy muy bilingue y he residido en Sonora, Arizona, California y Oregon. Mi inspiracion viene de la variedad de vegetacion, personalidades y culturas que me he encontrado por ahi.


Selected Clients

American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics

USC Institute for Creative Technologies

TransQueer Pueblo

Chispa Arizona

The Pharm AZ - Sunday Goods

Poder Arizona

One Arizona (Org)

ASU School for Transborder Studies

ASU Center for Gaming

AZ Asian Chamber of Commerce

Mercury Systems

Latest Exhibitions


Chicano Fest 2023

Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX


BGBG Collective: Queens Rise Art Walk

Phoenix, AZ


Modified Arts Gallery

Phoenix, AZ

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